An Intro to Ayurvedic Panchakarma
I was sitting in the hotel Ishan restaurant, doing everything I could to coax a video to upload for the yoga membership with sporadic...
Whenever the internet goes out, it's actually a bit relaxing. It's a chance to get offline and go out and experience the world as it was...
Ok, I leave, now, all my whining about the cold at night and move on to something waaaay more interesting and a big important part of...
How to have a shower in winter
The information contained in this post is essential information you will need should you find yourself needing a bath in Northern India...
Waking up this morning. Brrrr. We've been here 6 days. Mornings are still FREEZING! Not used to it, still. I'm thinking about the warmth...
Remembering How to Live
This trip is a process of remembering. I had forgotten what it is like to warm yourself in the morning by doing the yoga equivalent of...
Just a small existential crisis
Having to remember... how to have baths from a bucket, remembering washing clothes by hand. Remembering how to live simply again. It has...
Going to India
It will be my first time back since 2014. A LOT changes in 5 years. I am traveling with my mom and Nakul, my husband. To be honest, he...